Guide to Instagram privacy settings

With so much of our lives taking place online, it’s important to make sure your data is as secure as possible. This guide will show you how to adjust the Instagram privacy settings so that you can protect yourself from unwanted visibility and potential identity theft. Learn about the security features offered by Instagram and how you can tweak them for extra protection.

Introduction to Instagram Privacy Settings

When it comes to social media, privacy is a top concern for many users. Instagram is no exception. The photo-sharing app has come under fire in recent years for its handling of user data, and as a result, has made some changes to its privacy settings.

In this article, we’ll give you a comprehensive guide to Instagram’s privacy settings. We’ll cover everything from how to control who can see your posts to what information the app collects about you. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of how to keep your data safe on Instagram.

Overview of Security and Safety Features

Instagram offers a variety of security and safety features to help protect users’ information and accounts. These include:

– Two-factor authentication: This feature adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to enter a code from their phone when logging in.

– Account recovery: If you forget your password, Instagram can help you recover your account using your email address or phone number.

– Report abuse: If you see something on Instagram that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you can report it to the Instagram team.

How to Use the Privacy Settings

Assuming you’re talking about the Instagram app on a phone:

Go to your profile by tapping on the icon in the bottom right corner.

Tap on the three lines in the top right corner, then tap on ‘Settings.’

Under ‘Account,’ tap on ‘Privacy and Security.’

From here, you can adjust who can see your posts, who can send you messages, and who can see your story. You can also control whether or not people can find you with your phone number or email address.

To adjust who can see your posts, tap on ‘Posts.’ By default, anyone who follows you can see your posts. If you want to be more restrictive, you can choose to only allow people who you approve to follow you to see your posts.

To adjust who can send you messages, tap on ‘Messages.’ By default, anyone who follows you can send you a message. If you want to be more restrictive, you select ‘People You Follow’ or ‘Off.’

To adjust who sees your story, tap on ‘Story.’ By default, anyone who follows you or searches for you on Instagram can see it. If you want to be more restrictive, select ‘Followers’ or ‘Off.’

Best Practices for Increasing Your Privacy on Instagram

There are a few things you can do to increase your privacy on Instagram. First, consider making your account private. This will prevent anyone who isn’t approved by you from seeing your photos or videos. Second, be thoughtful about who you approve to follow you. If you don’t know someone, or if they’re constantly posting invasive or offensive content, it’s probably best to not approve their request.

Third, be aware of the information you’re sharing in your posts. Don’t include personal details like your home address or phone number, and avoid tagging yourself in locations that could reveal sensitive information (like your workplace or school). Fourth, use caution when using third-party apps with Instagram. These apps can sometimes access more information than you’d like them to have; only give them access to your account if you trust them completely.

Finally, keep an eye on the permissions Instagram has for itself. The app recently updated its terms of service to allow it to share some user data with Facebook (Instagram’s parent company). If you’re not comfortable with that, you may want to consider deleting your account.

Customizing Your Account Settings

Assuming you already have an Instagram account, to customize your account settings:

1. Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Scroll down and click on ‘Edit Profile.’

3. From there, you can change things like your name, username, website, bio, profile photo, and email address.

4. To change your privacy settings, go back to the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of your profile page and click on ‘Settings.’

5. In the Settings menu, scroll down to ‘Account Privacy’ and click on it.

6. From there, you can choose whether you want your account to be public or private. If you choose private, only people who you approve will be able to see your photos and videos.

7. Under ‘Account Privacy,’ there is also an option to hide your birth year from your profile.

8. To control who can tag or mention you in photos and videos, go to ‘Tags’ in the Settings menu.

9. You can also control who can see your story by going to ‘Story Settings.’

10. If you want to limit how much information Instagram has about you, go to ‘Data Download’ in the Settings menu and request a download of your data from Instagram.

Protecting Your Photos and Videos from Unwanted Viewers

As more and more people are joining Instagram, it’s important to be aware of the potential privacy risks that come with sharing photos and videos online. Here are some tips to help you protect your content from unwanted viewers:

1. Use the Private Account setting: This will make your account visible only to approved followers, which you can hand-pick yourself. Anyone who isn’t approved won’t be able to see your photos or videos, even if they search for you on the app.

2. Be selective about who you approve: Only approve people who you know and trust not to share your content without your permission. If someone requests to follow you and you don’t know them, it’s best to err on the side of caution and deny their request.

3. Use strong passwords: When creating a password for your account, make sure it’s something that can’t be easily guessed by someone trying to access your content without your permission. Avoid using simple words or easily accessible personal information like birthdates.

4. Keep an eye on what’s being shared: Even if you’ve taken all the necessary precautions, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what’s being shared from your account. If you see anything that you’re not comfortable with, you can always delete it or block the person who posted it.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your photos and videos stay private and out of the hands of unwanted viewers.

Speaking of privacy settings you can check our article about How Do I See Who Viewed My Instagram Profile?


Instagram privacy settings are an important tool for users to secure their accounts from unwanted viewers and access. With the different levels of security, you can manage who sees your posts, stories, profile information and more on Instagram. Whether you want to keep your account completely private or just block certain people from viewing content, it’s easy to do with the right settings. Now that you know how to set up your own customized privacy settings on Instagram, go ahead and make sure your account is as secure as possible!

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